"Every human soul craves "the good, the true, and the beautiful" absolutely and without limit. And it is precisely about these three fundamental values that the gap is the widest. Ordinary people still believe in a real morality, a real difference between good and evil; and in objective truth and the possibility of knowing it; and the superiority of beauty over ugliness. But our educators or "experts" feel toward these three traditional values, the way people think medieval inquisitors felt towards witches. Our artists deliberately prefer ugliness to beauty, our moralists fear goodness more than evil, and our philosophers embrace various forms of post modernism that reduce truth to ideology or power." -Peter Kreeft
The current "experts" in society are being listened to far more than they should. Instead of just BEING, many people are caught up in posting, demanding, disputing, obeying, subjecting and objectifying and 'doing' as a means of 'validating'...Instead of "doing" as a means of "being" which is completely different.

To BE is to encompass your I AM. To Be is to encompass each moment that one is inside of. It is to savour the chore, the leisure, the show, the music, the book, the writing, the creating or creation, or the conversation. To BE is to authentically create life's moments in full honesty. Without falling into the trap of dissection, deconstruction, reduction or power plays.
"So it is no surprise that in a culture in which philosophers scorn wisdom, moralists scorn morality, preachers are the world's greatest hypocrites, sociologists are the only people in the world who do not know what a good society is, psychologists have the most mixed up psyches, professional artists are the only ones in the world who actually have beauty...it is no surprise that in this culture the literary critics are the last people to know a good book when they see one."- Peter Kreeft
How often do you listen to the critics in your circles and pick books, films or music according to their influence instead of your soul's? It is one thing to listen to the counsel of a treasured, trusted friend recommendation, but it is completely another to judge based on what SHOULD be. I found this was especially poignant on social media. I loved some of the connections I made there, but I can say, without a doubt, that my life has opened up in terms of time, authenticity and BEING since I have been off.
"So, what should we do about it? Just ignore them. That will do more to save civilization than anything else you can possibly do ( except becoming a saint.) It will also make them very angry, for like teenagers, the critics' greatest joy is to be shocking, and their greatest fear is to be ignored."- Peter Kreeft
When you ignore the critics (and currently that includes all news feeds and current trends of "awareness") you enter into your own soul. While it is necessary to have other human beings in our process, those BEINGS should have some form of honest connection. In other words, they should be people who know of us enough to challenge, inspire, encourage, and give tailored information based on a mutual relationship.
Most people do not get my obsession with good witches or witchiness. Yet, it is a part of my soul so witchiness is in our home. Oddly enough, the people who enter our home, even of traditional christian values, still more often than not, come back. The vibes of the home and ourselves overrule their uncomfortability with any obvious symbols in our home. I believe Timothy 4:4 “ For everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.” I believe God redeems and I only strive to look to the good . The people who are scared of that fact, perhaps need to be somewhere else anyway and that’s ok as we all need to protect what is true and noble for ourselves…
There are individuals who need the general collective to tell them how to think or BE. That is sometimes a needed phase of life. However, if most of society is caught in that trap, we then lose our sense of beauty and our compass for true morality. I have been asked how we make our decisions in the current landscape of protocols, chaos and such. The answer is different in each situation. We try to morally balance what is asked of us in certain situations with the truth of our souls. We try to pair the health of the body with the health of the soul and mind (one should NOT have priority over the other, even in a health crisis. We MUST remember social, spiritual and mental health. While sometimes physical health must take priority, there are also cases where it is the reverse.) Thus again, each circumstance calls for a different respect of the rules of life. Some rules will be broken, while at other times made to honour- and often it is the SAME rule that is both honoured and broken depending on the circumstance.
Find the true and beautiful. Read the books that you love despite the critics opinion. Consume the shows that uplift or give your family laughter. Choose the people who are safe to be around, keep your secrets and challenge you to grow. Find souls that believe in the interconnected individuality we all encompass. Do not choose to live life out of fear but try to also incorporate respect. Take the D and C supplements, use the S.A.D lights, wash your hands, paint a room a colour that FEEDS you even if it is not currently in or considered "too dark" or "too light" by others. It is YOUR ANAM CARA. Your soul friend. It is YOUR place to seek solace. BE a soul friend in every sense of the word to yourself and to those around you. Do not live for others but BE there for others.
As Mr. Shakespeare once summed up;
"To BE or NOT to BE- That IS the question."
Song Choice: Scarecrow- Alex and Sierra Who are They- Tim McGraw
Great post. I’ve always enjoyed Peter Kreeft. Much wisdom can be found in many a place, including your blog.
I can’t help but be reminded of the song “Who are they” in which we are encouraged to not give our worries over to the “they”. I do think we have given far to much power to those who believe they should wield it like the “the experts” or “fact-checkers”.
I am glad we have stepped away from Social Media, it really did not provide much substance to our lives.
Great encouragement for us to use our own discretion, wisdom and free choice (Does our society still have that these days?) in these times.
There is only one witch that I’m obsessed with.( It’s you.��)
Balance is essential, and in a time of unchecked chaos and tyrannical order, we need it now more than ever before.
It used to be that we encouraged others to “be in the now”, but now society seems to be encouraging others to “be in the know” particularly their “know”. We’ve given up “Be” for “Thee”. And when we lose our personal identity we become the clay that the “experts, “elitists” and “governing” all to easily shape to their perspectives. The age of relativism is dead (No tears shed here.). We have now returned (tears shed) to our ancient tribal ways of “my way, or the highway”.
I will continue to search out the True and Beautiful, although, I’m pretty sure I already found them in you.
Good counsel...
I've dropped all the news too..
spend more time being me.. relating to My wife and friends...
((standing ovation)) love love love! I wholeheartedly agree!
Love all the picture shares too – thank you!
C2Q: Thank you my love, my life. I enjoy Peter Kreefts podcasts more than his books ( his voice is just so comforting!) And even though I DO have to translate some of it for where I am at as opposed to word for word value on religion- I do still get plenty out of it. I like his thoughts on tolkien.
Oh that is a good song!!! I will put it on the bottom of my post too. My favourite line in it is "Democrat republican- I guess I'm screwed I'm neither one!" So true. Lol. Yes do not give in to the "they" or start viewing friends as such either...and stay away from the news and so called experts as gods.
Well, the substance was in some of the true people and flirting with you but yea, otherwise it is good to be off.
Thanks...society as a whole has lost much but I still have firm beliefs in the individual.
I love being your little witch:) ha ha. Love that.
Walking the tightrope with you...
oooo yes good point. so true. No tears shed here for that either but yes tears shed for the newer concept. It can be changed tho with little ripples. I believe that.
awe heart melt. You are just too good to be true (almost because I actually know you are true. Stay with me forever. xoxo)
MR: Thank you. That is so wise and I am so glad you are relating to wife and friends...that which makes a large part of life.
Amy: lol sweet. I am so glad you love love loved it! I knew you would probably agree! Sorry I have not been by my phone lately except for some pictures as January was about not replacing scrolling instagram with more screen time- but I also want to find a new balance in sometimes texting those far away whom I care about like you. I am glad you recovered fine from Covid and can't wait to fully catch up with you soon. Send me pics too!
Greetings my beautiful friend!!
Love the update, your messages always make my day!! So nice to see photos of you and the fam! I decided to disable my instagram a few weeks ago and I can't believe how much better I feel in such a short time. You guys definitely inspired me on that one. Anyway, I loved your words at the end of your update, really needed that today! I hope you're all doing well!!
xoxox Auriana
Hey Auriana!
I love it when the words are what is needed to hear - often I offer them up hoping that they will make people feel less alone or encouraged or challenged or inspired;)
Honestly, de activating Instagram changed our lives! I won’t go back even if there comes the inevitable time of temptation :) I’m finding sharing pictures occasionally through a blog or Vimeo or text can be more satisfying as it’s personal... and the interactions are less global which is what our human mind needs ( it hasn’t evolved to the technological global ways even if we have semi adapted!) if you ever want to share photos because you miss Instagram - you can text me but yea there is way more room TO BE. And you find out what matters pretty quickly too in terms of relationships;)
I’m so glad you added your beauty to my post! It made my day as often I get great trepidation after sharing boldly :) ha
Wonderfully thought-provoking, insightful, and relatable post. Thank you for sharing this wise soul's words coupled with your own.
You're not alone in eschewing the news. Many years ago, when I was about 17 or 18, I realized rather starkly that the news rarely did anything positive for my psyche but instead stood to damage it needlessly on the daily (or nearly so). For all intents, I stopped seeking the news out on purpose then and have only turned to it since on vary rare occasions. I think this has been one of the healthiest choices I've ever made and can't imagine ever going back to being a daily reader/viewer of the news.
Many wishes for a tranquil, positive, low-stress February coming your way,
Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
Hey Autumn!
Thank you 🧡 I’m glad it resonated and was thought provoking!
Yes, your wise thoughts and actions served you well! It’s so true- news does little to feed the soul and is often unnecessary.
Thank you! You as well! May Imbolc bring light and peace and Valentines love and connection!
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