Saturday, January 23, 2016

LEGAL NAME CHANGE: Why Our Family of Five Changed our Surname/ Last/ Married Name after 14 years of Marriage

"At present our only true names are nicknames"~ Henry David Thoreau

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile. Our new surname was in the making for more than a decade, before timing, guts and money came together to enable us to follow through with our decision. Many people find that name changing is offensive or a direct insult to the families that bestowed names in the first place. For those who are traditional or in the mindset that names are the direct link between  people, a legal name change is a very odd concept to wrap the brain around. "A name is a tool. You don't own just one tool and refuse to get others because of the one at home. 'I can't get a wrench because my parents gave me a perfectly good screwdriver already! It's a family screwdriver, we all share the same one, generations all of us. I plan to give it to my son.' You have as may tools as you need and sometimes you use a tool for only a brief period of a time." (pg. 36* Phoenix McFarland. See attribution below for all the following quotes in this post.)

"We change, we grow into new people many times over as we progress through life. We are no longer static and unchanging, we no longer "fit" the names given to us by someone else, which we have carried all our lives." (pg. 31) Part of the reason we changed our names is that we felt tied to an identity that wasn't ours. This is also why we chose a few middle names and tried to balance out the meaning personally for each individual.

Ingrained beliefs state that this is deliberately isolating familial roots by choosing this path. While we give thanks for our roots on each side, neither fully described our family. While roots are important, family is not necessarily stripped down to blood ties and it’s stronger than a name.  Family are those who support, accept and understand with love and engage in dialogues of respect. They are the people we grow and witness life with. This should not be strictly defined to a name or a country or a place or a gender or any isolated descriptor like a name. Nor be limited to the father's side of the family.

We are not traditional. When a woman gets married and changes her name no one mourns the loss or bemoans her as disrespectful or asks her why she would do that. But when a man changes his name it can often be looked at as a direct insult to the family, a rebellious decision, and something to be questioned. "Many societies clung to the patronymic system, even though naming through the mothers line is much more accurate, as maternity, unlike paternity, is never questionable. There is evidence that some cultures were matriarchal, but with the advent of the patriarchal warrior tribes, customs changed. With patriarchy came the notion of female virginity at marriage and a strict monogamy as a means of assuring paternity. It was under this patronymic system that a woman first began to take the name of her husband. This was one of the profound changes in cultural history that is well illustrated by the history of nomenclature. Within these subtle changes of nomenclature, history bears witness to the subjugation of women in Western culture." ( pg 10, 11)

Names carry cultural information and lead to assumptions. Names carry meaning and people live up to the meanings often in their names. We feel honoured and lucky to be living in a period of freedom to be able to change this factor of identity so easily. 

We love stories. We are passionate about our books, movies, and tales. To us, life evolves and changes. The naming process was a fun one. We had many last names in the running and the kids were involved heavily. From toddler hood on we did not reinforce their last name because we knew it would be changed. We also allowed our children to pick new middle names or keep the ones that we gave them. We guided but we allowed them to ultimately choose from a large list. We had a blast with this process. They are aware that they can choose an alternate surname, go back to the old one, or keep what we have chosen when they reach adulthood. We believe in that freedom.

For our surname we had a few options but we settled on something neutral for numerous reasons. The top reason was memory for ourselves and our children and friends. The name we chose was already part of our regular vocabulary. It also started out as a joke but then became a consideration. A testament to our approach to life: secret humour and irony. Our choice also happens to be a common name that is used. We felt it came with many mixed assumptions and it would be easier to fly under the radar in a sense. We often stand out in eccentricity so we deliberately decided to choose something ordinary and less hippyish (which can be our tendency.) Our choice can come across as patriarchal but anyone who knows us, will know that is a moot point and anyone who doesn't will not know we deliberately chose it ourselves.

Many people ask how our extended family took it. Obviously, there was going to be hurt feelings or feelings of rejection. This is part of the reason we waited a few years longer than we could have. We had an opportunity about five years ago but we realized if we wanted it to be optimal that we would have to wait longer. I found waiting to change our names a bit hard as it was already done in my mind for years before it was actually legal. In a way this was good because I keep forgetting it's a new idea to most people. It's not some profoundly heart thumping change for me. Timing is not always easy. We waited until we had more healing with my husband's parents. This may seem weird. Why heal and have more understanding and then put them in a place of questioning again? Because we wanted them to know that it wasn't a name change based on rebellion of them or of direct objection to them. We wanted to be in a place where we had more communication to explain. Because rebellion wasn't why we chose to do this. I understand how if patriarchy mindsets or certain beliefs feel like the core of a person most of our reasons WILL feel like outright rebellion. However, it's not in rebellion of who his parents are or how my husband loves them or how our family values their role in our lives.

My husbands parent's took it beautifully compared to what could have happened. My husband had a quiet, stable conversation with them and both parties were respectful and came out of the conversation with dignity in tact. He affirmed with the following phrase:
"If this was about separating myself completely from you and not wanting a relationship with you, I wouldn't be here explaining myself or trying to validate you. I don't care about wills or bloodlines. What I care about is the love that we have and that you know, no matter what, that I still see myself as your son. I need you to know that I value you regardless of what we choose to do, our beliefs, and how we live our life. I will make efforts to validate that verbally and I am thankful for both of you."

It will take some time and full understanding may never be achievable, however, the conversation built a new foundation that was important. In the end, we realized that we have to consider all parties involved and be kind in our delivery, but then make a decision based on what enables our family to live our best life.

Time tends to ease issues and we hope in a few years, once people have adjusted, that they actually realize life is a little easier on them without sharing our name too. In a community of strong belief, it was hard on them whenever my husband had his groups or ads in the paper for different events that may not have lined up with what they felt was appropriate. We have always felt a strong pull to those who need support and are often the outcasts or different …In the end, it may be easier for them  in the future to have a cleaner association with us.

Occasionally the question was asked why. Our standard truthful, surface level answer was/is,"We married young and have wanted to attempt this since a year after we realized we could, because we are untraditional together. Circumstances came together to enable us to do this." Everyone has nodded, smiled and adjusted accordingly. I was even surprised with a few very supportive comments from very traditional people. Which is always a pleasant irony. A cashier I barely know remarked, "Your hubby strikes me as the rogue of the family. He's the youngest right? I hope I marry a rogue...they are brave, know what they want, romantic and tend to be strong." I laughed. This is true and I found it funny that someone who only knows us by what we purchase said this phrase. It's probably not optimal to the rest of the family who has to deal with the rogue but for the one who married him, it IS delightful for the most part. I hope at least one of my children is a rogue in their own love stories even if it causes me pain. Choosing each other can be epic. Another older woman asked why we made this decision and once I replied she surprised me with, "I think more people should consider this. It can be healthy once people get used to the idea. It also shows separate independence and asks for respect." Thus far I have only had one person raise their eyebrows but have to yet to run into outright contempt.

I disliked the sound of my surname growing up so when I married, my husband's name was a step up, but it never fit well. When we found out a year later that a couple we knew made a completely new last name together we were annoyed that we didn't realize this was an option. We would have loved that. As time went on I only used my married last name when I absolutely had to. The name became a little tougher for me as issues in the family surfaced. In the beginning I wasn't well liked in I understand why but being a teen and young twenty something it caused immense pain. Being disliked in acquaintance situations is fine enough but when we used to spend all holidays and family gatherings with them, the name tie was another bond to a group of people who had hurt and isolated me, as a group and individually, the most in my entire life experience and in years that required the most growth from me at a young age.*l I was also an enneagram four where my largest wound is in not belonging  - so of course it was - in hindsight- unfortunate misunderstanding. I was bullied by one person throughout teenage hood but otherwise had not experienced the level of deceptive unkindness and disregard for my human essence that I did in some circumstances. In their defence- I was also very difficult in the way I saw the world but did not yet understand. I did not know myself so could not explain that most of what was taken offence to was innocence on my part or just a very different brain stance. I was never out to hurt but I WAS different and odd.

Our differences in complete life approaches was also strong. Add sensory overload into the mix and a family of mostly extroverts to a fiercely introverted individual and it was just not optimal. When I was called by my surname, I cringed inside, because it was like being associated with some of the tougher times of my life. It was a reminder of everything I wasn't.

  When I changed my name on our phone account the service accountant said "Hold on Mrs...insert new last name" then he paused and waited for me to answer him and he laughed, "I was just seeing if you were used to your new name...must be pretty exciting eh?" I was giddy over that moment.

We had multiple reasons for changing our names. History of names, the love of meaning of names, our deep interest in nomenculture, our personal stories, the current cultural freedom to make this choice, marrying young, stating autonomy, our untraditional ways, unifying our bond, and our love of shared existence. 

Our marriage has succeeded this far because of our unity, our unique ways of communicating, humour,  and respect but also because we present a strong front. The name change was another bond for us together. For our children it was an important lesson in family considerations, individual autonomy, cultural expectations, fun, bravery, and the frustrations that come with a process. They witnessed every conversation we had with people (we discussed everything with them.) We had to do finger printing three times because of mistakes that were made and we had to drive an hour out of our way for the electronic prints each time to another office. Each wait period after prints was a few months. Doing this three times was depressing. Some people would have given up as it took us nine months longer then was expected because of various mix ups. I had one person tell me it wasn't meant to be if we kept running into problems. When all avenues are exhausted, then sometimes it is good to give up. This wasn't that time. Our children learned that you don't give up on a difficult thing unless all options have been tried IF it means something to you. Even if no other person supported it, which wasn't the case, we still would have changed our name. We believed in it for us that much. My husband's story is his own and obviously has some differing factors. This is my story and I can honestly end it by saying this is in my top twelve best decisions of my life. It has been a game changer. While there are definite downsides, with anything in life there are negatives and positives, the benefits outweigh these. I was afraid of a name that didn't suit me being on my gravestone. I had nightmares of being remembered by a name that came with a lot of baggage in my personal journey and deep soul pain. As our journey progressed, I realized that I could make that name work for me, but since I could change it, I would, even if my husband decided a family name change wasn't for him. I was lucky that my husband also had that desire from an early period in our marriage because then we would have hyphenated which wasn't my favourite idea but would have been our compromise if both our mentalities were differing. However, that wasn't our story.

Names can be burdens or they can be magic. They give meanings to places and descriptors to the human experience. They are crucial for understanding yet breed false assumptions. Nomenclature is full of contradictions. My truest names are my nicknames bestowed by those who love me or myself. This blog name feels like a part of my identity. My husband will often fondly call me Kmarie. Some of my middle names are also part of this beauty. Just because some nicknames we go by are not legal does not make them any less real or legitimate. However, sometimes the step into a legal name change is important. If an individual feels that their name needs to be a truer reflection of who they are, it is important to honour that if possible. Authenticity is crucial to a sense of well being and stability. I have no regrets but I do wish our decisions could cause the least harm. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Yet, life must be lived with bravery and courage. This took great guts for us to do. I am proud of us. If you are considering a legal name change, weigh all the factors and consider an approach of kindness and timing, but in the end, do what can enables you to live your most authentic life with freedom and love. Dreams do come true but some times it takes pain, grit and a strong sense of self to make them a reality.

*All quotes taken from the book "The New book of Magical Names" by Phoenix McFarland. While this book is definitely different from where I stand on some issues or beliefs, the whole of it was beautiful and accompanied our family on our journey and choosing.

**I don't regret marrying young. In fact, last night my hubby turned to me and said, "In two years I will have surpassed the amount of time I didn't know you in my life and I will have known you more years than what I experienced without you. I have been looking forward to this date since we started going out. I remember wondering what we would be like. You have exceeded my dreams. I am so glad we married young despite its struggles." Heart thump. After I swooned I completely agreed. 

*Update 2022: Immense growth, self knowledge and healing happened in our thirties with our family ties. Honestly, it takes two right? We were immature obviously in our younger years in many regards, and in other ways too old for our time...We did not know fully whom we were yet and sometimes acted out of ignorance or assumptions as well. It was worth the time and effort to figure that out and have strong boundaries put up until we could regain trust and harmony later. There was, collectively, more hurt and misunderstanding than I had dealt with in my life in school up to that point and I did not know how to cope with that while I was dealing with post partum depression on top of not knowing I had Autism and that was what was causing so much miscommunication when I thought I was being so true an kind. It took many years of pain to see my mistakes and once I did and moved on, it was easier to accept that I may never be loved and accepted...and then suddenly, with space and time, with certain people understanding and even some love gradually developed. I do not regret the stages as they brought us to this point, but life is full of hard lessons and bountiful grace.*

~ For cost, the whole process in our province including new birth cards, fingerprints, marriage certificates, and drivers licences was less than 300 dollars for our entire family. Luckily, all births except mine were in the province we lived in, which was cheaper. Cost will vary from place to place.~


Anonymous said...

The story of the accountant on the phone using your new last name made me cry because I know how much that meant to you.

Sending love

Kmarie said...

Thank you. Yes I teared up too and was giggling after on a high for hours after that:) Thank you for acknowledging how important this was to me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for that very detailed and well thought out explanation.
And now, I think you need to put that part of the story behind you.
By that I mean, do not live in the "justifying" of it anymore. Simply move on so that when those who haven't known you under earlier names, you just give them your new name. Likewise, to those who have known you under your "old" names, you state matter of factly without apology that all documents and associations will now, or do now, recognize you as " blank & blank

Kmarie said...

G- I agree! The reason I wrote this as a post is for anyone who is considering the leap and for my own thought processes:) When I googled it years ago there was not much for personal experiences in this regard and I wanted to add my voice.
However, you are right...we will no longer be justifying it to anyone...and we are stating without apology to anyone and everyone because we are proud of this and its done:) Thanks for your thoughts and support!!

Anonymous said...

(The one reference you did not mention here, and the significance of it, are the several instances where GOD thought it significant to change the names of people or to make a play on the meaning of names because it signified a change of direction for them in relationships and "purpose".) ~G

Unknown said...

Names carry a great deal of significance. I love names, which is part of why I like writing fiction. Alexandria, one of my characters, goes by Alex, Lexi, Andie, Sasha, Allie, Alexa, Annie, or her full name depending on what people want to call her. However, she is predominantly known as Alex. Alex is a sanguine-phlegmatic ESFP.

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful! I love this.. and I just adore how you follow the leading of your life and passions.

I know some friends that have done this, and NEVER regretted it. As a matter of fact it was completely life shifting for them.

So much love for you,

Kmarie said...

G~ very true! Names were changed by God at significant points in the bible to re name their purpose. It is significant.

Flutist Pride: Yes they do! I love names too. I LOVE the name was on my list. My best friend has it for a middle name and I adore it and her...I love that you put a lettered personality to your writing names!:)

Amy: You are a support and there is a reason we travel life's paths together...I am so glad to hear another's success story. I know I will never regret this either. It IS life shifting.

Anonymous said...

This was an incredible read! You described how I used to feel (and still feel) about my birth surname. I couldn't wait to get married just to get rid of it - it almost feels like you are reborn and you can be who are really meant to be without all the connections and assumptions when you make the change. Names have power and memory - I 'm glad you followed your dream! S. O. Hara

Kmarie said...

Thank you! I am so glad it also described your journey and that you got to change yours too! YES reborn! Without the connections and assumptions! I love it. And names do have power and memory and changing them can literally breathe new life!
I am glad too!

Ashe Skyler said...

Best of wishes with the new surname! Knowing you it's probably something quite lovely. For the sake of your sanity, I hope it's easy to spell. My married surname is quite common and plain, but doggone it if I don't have to constantly spell it out to people and they still get it wrong. Quite frustrating.

I enjoy my maiden surname because it is one of many links to my family and we bump along together pretty well. But, at the same time, I quite eagerly adopted my husband's surname to put some distance between myself and future acquaintances. Kind of the same reason why I present myself as Ashe Skyler online. It puts up a comfortable barrier between me and strangers, like keeping them away from an intimate part of who I am. Identifying as and being referred to as "Mrs. Skyler" (in example) doesn't bother me. Somebody calling me by my first name or maiden surname makes me cringe and makes me highly suspicious of them and their motives. I really hate having to call customer service because those creepy people want a first-name basis for everything. Very unprofessional.

Kmarie said...

Thanks for that:) The middle names are lovely...the last name is practical and has its own special meaning to me:) and yes spelling can be so frustrating eh?:)
that comfortable barrier is important. I agree - I also cringe and get slightly unsure of motives...and the costumer service drives me nuts too:)